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Davidoff Signature Cigars
Signature are the indisputable originals of the cigar world.
Signature Series Cigars represent traditional favorites under a new umbrella: the Mille 1000, 2000 and 6000 as well as the Classic Ambassadrice and No.2.
Timeless and elegant classics in every sense, the mild Signature blend allows fresh floral scents to mingle with earthy, woody notes, revealing a hint of sweetness that leaves a characteristically clean and creamy aftertaste. Having stood the test of time the Signature blend represents the very essence of time beautifully filled.
The Signature line pairs perfectly with elegant beverages such as Champagne where both the cigar and the beverage go hand in hand. Even with a peat and smoky Whisky the Davidoff Signature accompanies it well without being too dominant.