Looking for Dunhill Nightcap? Try this delicious Sutliff pipe tobacco blend, designed to replace an old-time favorite! This is a robust latakia based blend, enhanced by matured Virginias, exotic Turkish and a touch of perique for a robust body, a hint of spice and a deep, mellow sweetness.
Flavor Profile
Sutliff Tobacco Company
Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Strength i STRENGTH: the overall strength of the tobacco. This includes the strength of its taste and its nicotine content.
Flavoring i FLAVORING: primarily for aromatic blends, this refers to the "topping" but sometimes also to the "casing" added to the tobacco. This will account for detectable flavors like cherry or chocolate.
Taste i TASTE: although a wholly subjective measure, it is one of the most important in that it measures how tasty smokers find the blend. Like food, some dishes are tastier than others.
Room Note i ROOM NOTE: a measure of the ambient scent/smell a blend puts out for those around the smoker. Basically, how strong does it smell, and how pleasant do those around you find that smell. The stronger, generally the less pleasant. You can also call this the "wife rating."
How to buy Bulk Tobacco
Bulk tobacco starts at a minimum of 2 ounces.
4 ounces = 1/4 pound
8 ounces = 1/2 pound
16 ounces = 1 pound
80 ounces = 5 pounds
The chart below gives you the prices for number of ounces. For example, if you buy 15 ounces, then you're charged as if you were buying a half pound. But if you buy 16 ounces, then your price goes down. So...the more you buy, the more you save.