Anu Amen-Ra is a Mississippian with Native American heritage. Known as the 'Sartorial Tobacconist' on social media and recently touring as Cam Newton's personal cigar valet, Anu traditionally hand-rolls his cigars using the expertise he acquired during his apprenticeship in the Cuban cigar industry. Via the LCA, Amu is releasing a cigar on the national stage for the first time. The 6x50 cigar, named 'Stephen' in honor of Black History Month, pays tribute to the man, known only by the name Stephen, credited with discovering nearly 200 years ago a new method of tobacco curing still used by tobacco producers today. This unique blend features a Cameroon/Habano hybrid wrapper from Nicaragua's Condega region and binder and fillers of American tobacco, sweet Dominican Piloto, and a Peruvian leaf. The 'Sartorial Tobacconist's' debut on the national stage pays homage to the impact that black Americans have made on the cigar world and offers a truly special, oneof-a-kind tobacco experience.
Cigar Profile