Introducing the Gurkha Year of the Dragon Humidor, a masterpiece in the world of cigars. This exclusive collection brings together the brilliance of four legendary cigar makers: EP Carillo, AJ Fernandez, Oscar Valladares, and Oliva. Each humidor contains 20 exquisite cigars from each of these renowned artisans, offering an unparalleled tasting experience. With only 2000 of these limited edition humidors available, this is a rare opportunity to indulge in the finest premium cigars. Secure your Gurkha Year of the Dragon Humidor today and savor the artistry of the world's best cigar makers.
Cigar Profile: Year of the Dragon by E.P Carrillo (20 Cigars)
Cigar Profile: Year of the Dragon by Oliva (20 Cigars)
Cigar Profile: Year of the Dragon by Oscar Valladares (20 Cigars)